Welcome to TCT Writers Beta

Join us in our Mighty Network

About Us

In a £6 billion industry, the average writer working fulltime is not earning enough to live off, just over £10,000. Something is seriously broken and we aim to fix it. By creating a writers community focussed on honing craft toward publication and by leveraging the use of a single marketing campaign for multiple authors in one genre, we want to give authors a bigger piece of the pie and reclaim a chunk of that industry. (Our figures are UK, but the USA is very similar).

Why You Should Join Us

You should join if you are a writer or aspiring writer, serious about learning and developing your craft as a writer to the point where you can publish your written work and get paid for it. You should join if you love to read and can offer genuine positive feedback in a respectful manner. You should join if you think writers deserve better.

A Big Thanks

We want to say a massive thankyou to everyone that joins and helps grow this community. Our vision will only come to fruition if the community grows and develops that vision. Your contribution no matter how small or great is valued by us.